Well, we've just closed shop on Christmas Eve, and it's a good feeling that all those months of preparation and long hours have paid off with so many happy customers. It really is all about you. Christmas for a retailer is like finals at Uni. If we've looked after you well throughout the year then you'll reward us with your custom. The whole amazing lovely Crystal Heart Team thanks you from our Heart for a year of record months and sincerely hope you all experience a magical Christmas Full Moon.
Personally, I never intended to start a "Business" but when I arrived in Australia in the 80s after 3 years of travelling and spiritual growth I found I simply couldn't get a job utilising my old skills because I'd changed so much. Failing in Melbourne we moved to Perth. That was also hard, so I had to ask myself some really hard questions. Like - how can I support my family, help others, be my own boss, and not need much investment. The answer ? Hey I read Tarot ! So off to the old car park market in Subiaco, Perth, with my handwritten sign and Tarot readings for $15. Well, that really took off !
So we took a permanent stall and thought OK since we have the space, let's sell what we're into - crystals, spiritual books & music etc. That business was called " Innersense " and it also really took off. Then we moved back to Melbourne to open as Crystal Heart in 1990. All along I was thinking " this is just a fad, in a few years we'll be old news." But I was wrong. I've never felt so glad to be wrong ! Because despite what the cynics may say regarding the toxic damage we do to the world, there are so many growing spiritually - it's that grass roots evolution that really counts.
So thank you all. Me, my Team/Family, and YOU.
You are all the hope for the future.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my Heart,
just for being you.