As you’ve probably noticed, all the new Moonstone has now been uploaded - after two days intense work with camera, caliper, notepad and uploads ! It can't be done more quickly because each piece is unique and so often I'm drawn into writing a few personal words about it.
One thing I noticed this time is that a lot of the new Moonstone has clearly defined strata - light blues, indigo and gold. I see these as pathways through emotional situations. Moonstone is of course a wonderful stone for expanding your emotional intelligence – but still we can get caught up in difficult situations and I find Pathway Moonstone particularly useful here because it brings the awareness that you’re moving through to a place of greater harmony, not stuck in one bad place.
I've always found Moonstone expands my heart, so I'd like to share my strongest Full Moon memory -
This was way back in the 70s. My first job overseas in the Middle East and first time away from Home. I was marooned on a Dhow overnight in the Persian Gulf. Trying to sleep in a sail, I could have felt lost and alone. Instead I gazed at that Full Moon & realised that my family at home were also looking at the same thing. I felt connected and loved instead.
Enjoy !
Love from the Heart as always.