Hi Everyone and hope this blog finds you well. I can hardly believe it's been 6 months since my last Saturday night contribution !
Those powerful stones I uploaded 6 months ago certainly proved their powers and looking back it was a big wake up call for my life in general. I won;t bore you with all the details, but I completely changed my diet to cure a long standing auto immune problem that suddenly became serious and re negotiated my lease before it was due with much more favourable terms. So Crystal Heart is good for another decade and I feel rejuvenated to take that on.
Business has been tough in the post pandemic slump ~ my Heart goes out to all those of us who have fallen victim to powers beyond our control ~ that's been a challenge indeed, but also an opportunity for positive change.
I can't help feeling that Moldavite and Meteorite really helped me embrace what have been cataclysmic changes in my reality. Crystals and Gemstones are constant vibrations that help us to cope. I don't want to give any energy to the political and bureaucratic corruption that has led the world to this place because I still hold to my core belief that if enough of us evolve consciously that will ultimately shift the consciousness of the world.
( a whole paragraph on Channeling, deleted )
( a whole paragraph on dealing with entities, deleted )
In current Crystal Heart news there's still a huge backlog of Jewellery to upload but we've also just received a box from Paul, the PB code, who I know he has many fans out there because he seeks out the best stones first, a man of my own heart, and then sets them simply but beautifully. These uploads will be my priority for the next few weeks and as always, those of you who can come to the shop will get a 15% discount if you 'buy out of the bag' so just ask to view.
Black Friday is here, and again I have the same response. Our Jewellery is unique, mostly hand made, and can't be ordered in units of more than one. We present them at the fairest price we can offer. So Crystal Heart won't be taking part. On the other hand, many of our regular customers and fellow gemstone lovers do get a discount so if you feel you qualify, just drop me a line.
OK, that's all for now or I'll never stop !
Love from the Heart as always
Marc, Leah, Lily and Kaitie
and our amazing readers Maxine and Pamela.
PS if you're interested in my thoughts on the deleted paragraphs, drop me a line