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Afterpay and new goodies

Hi Everyone and hoping you're all well. It's been a strange 6 months here at the Heart. Not a lot has changed on the surface, but underneath a lot has been going on and new stock is arriving. All this time Pluto was retrograde and there just seemed to be an endless series of unforseen obstacles to overcome. With Pluto now direct, during the Aries Full Moon things seem to be moving forward again. I think a lot of us have been feeling some stress, and it would be easy just to counsel "Stay Positive ! " But I think real life is more complex than that. Today a customer asked me to cleanse a br...

New Italian Designs and Happy Equinox !

Hi Everyone and hope you're all well. Sorry for the long delay. Shop has been busy, I've been trying to keep up with the uploads, but there's been a few other things distracting me. First, Happy Equinox ! The day and night achieved their biannual balance so all is well there, and now the days get shorter. In more ancient times of course this was a more serious affair of ensuring survival through the coming winter. Now we've got Electrickery and Supermarkets. Nevertheless we are still looking at a time of introspection, a little more time for ourselves which I am looking forward to. Back on ...

This Weeks Uploads

Hi Everyone and hope you all had a good week. It's been pretty intense here at the Heart with everything happening at once ~ I don't know what's been happening in the Stars but the whole World seems to have been going a little more crazy than usual. All I can say is I'm glad it's all over and we've survived ! Can't help wondering whether that extra hit of Tanzanite had something to do with all this because I certainly feel more evolved ! Hey, I even managed the first mail out since Christmas ! Anyway, between all the dramas I've certainly been on a creative high. Product descriptions have i...

Shopping Marathon Begins

Wow, here I am back in Bangkok. It was a great holiday ~ like a health farm in terms of working out and healthy food, but also a happy farm with evenings out and some lovely cocktails :-) But now it's work time. That holiday mode has been neatly amputated. I love that old saying ~ Wherever you go, there you are. I'd add to that ~ wherever you go, you're there forever ! So it is that now I'm back in Bangkok it's as though I never left, and it will be the same when I get back to Melbourne. Living in the moment. Yesterday was a very long moment. A full day buying before the Show, we bought pre...

Star Chakra Pendants

I remember long ago being shocked by the revelation of another Chakra which was located outside the body, floating above the crown. As a Yogi I was firmly of the belief that al Chakras were firmly tethered to nodes on the Physical body. Despite initial resistance to the idea, this led to a new round of Spiritual Growth as it opened a connection to Universal Consciousness.  Some some called this Chakra  the transpersonal, but I prefer the the more evocative name of Star Chakra.  Decades later I came up with this design. The Herkimer represents the Star Chakra, connecting you to Universal C...

Atlantean Tibetan Lemurian Pendants

Well it's been a gruelling few weeks with the stocktake to do. I've had to add up EVERY piece of Jewellery in the shop and really got frustrated that I couldn't spend more time on the web. So happy to get back to you all with these unique pieces which have just arrived from our new manufacturers. They've done a great job. The substantial Sterling Silver Frame gives a real Designer feel - but the combination of Tibetan Lemurian Quartz in the Spiritual Triangle makes it an awesome power piece to accelerate your consciousness. Are you ready for the power ?? http://www.crystalheart.com.au/…/p...
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