Atlantean Power Pendants 925 Silver
This design popped into my head when working with some Lemurian Quartz. It's all about Personal illumination. The Triangle symbolises and encourages spiritual evolution towards Universal Consciousness, while the circular Bale symbolises the perfect seed from which we all evolved.This shape works really well with Crystal Energy. The frame is a substantial 4mm diameter 925 Sterling Silver.
I think a lot of us interested in Crystals have had Atlantean past lives and I've designed this just for you. The Mind Body Spirit Triangle connects you to spirit while the Circular Bale helps centering. I initially chose Tibetan Lemurian Crystals as these possess Ancient Knowledge and grounding Tourmaline Inclusions. But the shape itself is potent so I've extended the range with some lovely Vera Cruz Amethyst.
These pieces really can accelerate your Energy & Consciousness - but I've also realised that this is a powerful healing tool. Place it over any part of body that needs healing and you can feel the conscious white light energy flooding through. Once this energy starts flowing the Healing begins
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